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We want to deliver safe and healthy fish to our customers.

We want to deliver safe and healthy fish to our customers. With that thought in mind, in 2008, we became the first domestic fish manufacturing company to acquire the international standard SQF2000 certification. Now, we are still working in pursuit of even higher levels of safe, healthy, and high quality products.

 It is our mission to supply to our customers safe and healthy processed fish products. 

 To guarantee this, in 2006, our Hayashi-Machi factory acquired HACCP certification, and in 2007, SQF2000 certification. In 2008, our Marine Processing Center also obtained SQF2000, and followed that up by migrating to the 7th edition of SQF code.

 Additionally, our company owned Yellowtail nurseries in the Owase Bay acquired SQF certification in 2016.

 To sum everything up, every level of our manufacturing process, from the very basics of our fish cultivation and nursery environment is scientifically inspected, beyond the ordinary inspection processes, all for the sake of maintaining quality control of our manufactured goods.

HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) 
HACCP is a control method based in scientifically minimizing the root causes of foodborne illnesses, from the raw materials we accept, to the final product we ship out.

SQF (Safe Quality Food

HACCP is based in SQF certification, an international standard, which guarantees safe, high quality commodities. It is also a necessary certification for international transactions. 
In 2008, we became the first domestic fish manufacturer to obtain this certification, specifically targeting our Yellowtail, Amberjack filleting, and our Salmon filleting and slicing. We then followed this up in 2016 by certifying our cultivated Yellowtail production, through which we are now able to provide the highest level of safety and quality in our in-house Yellowtail products, from production to processing. 


Inspection System

"Microbe Inspection" --We test for general bacteria, E. Coli, Staphylococcus Aureus, and Vibrio Parahaemolyticus.
"Scientific Inspection" -- We carry out a veterinary drug residue test, nutritional component analysis, check histamine levels, test for botulism, heavy metal residue test, and test for environmental pollutant residue.
"Other" -- Sensory evaluation and stool checks.

SQF Certification

1. Yellowtail;Hamachi/Young Yellowtail(Frozen,Chilled) 
2. Kampachi/Amberjack(Frozen,Chilled) 
3. Salmon(Chilled)

© 2016 by OWASEBUSSAN.Co.,Ltd.

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