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We love OWASE and make it the best in the world.

We are a general marine corporation with fish farming, fishery of coastal longline fishing, marine process industry such as process by parts from fish farming, process of dried fish and retail of original and local products. Our head office is located in Owase, southern Mie, facing to Kumano-nada open sea.

We are a general marine corporation with fish farming, coastal longline fishing, fish farming and related processing, and dried fish processing for original, local product retail. Our head office is located in southern Mie. 

In 1972, we started our own business, providing processed dried fish and selling them in local supermarkets. Since then we have built our company DNA around a "market approach," which means that we provide customers with what they need and as much as they need.


Our focus has been to respond to various market needs with a consistent supply, quality, and price. Our company's highest sales point is our fresh fish manufacturing specialization, fish farming, and coastal longline fishing around which we have constructed a "supply chain" with a grounded structure focused around both schedule and quality.


Yellowtail farming taking place in Owase Bay produces more than 400,000 fish, yearly. In addition to this, we are working with university researchers to establish advanced farming technology.


We also manage yellowtail, red seabream, and amberjack farming, and produce over 1,500,000 fish, yearly. We are also in a cooperative manufacturing group with providers in Shikoku and Kyushu who work with us in fish farming to supply the freshest fish at the peak of the season. This is how we supply fresh fish to the market throughout the whole year. 


In ocean fishery, we treat the fresh fish with a special care that is not done by other companies, preserving the highest level of freshness.  This way, we can supply the highest quality of tuna, mainly albacore tuna.  This project is one of our efforts to increase the amount of the local fish market, and to solve local problems, such as few successors in the fishing industry. 


In a market where securing human resources can be difficult, we continue to respond to the market's needs by keeping in stock "what consumers need and as much as they need." For the purpose of always striving to maintain consistent supply, quality, and price, we have proactively obtained SQF certification ensuring the best facilities and processing quality.


Situated in Southern Mie Prefecture, Owase is closer to such big cities as Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya than many other producers. Because of this, we are able to use the location to advantage in our business logistics and are capable of providing the highest quality of freshness in our products. 


Thanks to this location, we can deal with other areas all throughout Japan.  We have been expanding the market not only in Asian countries but also Western countries in recent years.

Management Philosophy

1.    We regard tradition and confidence very highly, and aim to be a superior company.
2.    We provide valuable high quality products and service to the public and customers.
3.    We make a constant effort to be trusted by our customers and be a friendly company.
4.   We cultivate a conscientious work environment with a free and easy culture worth working for.
5.    Each of us work towards realizing a highly productive and highly valued work life which will result in a comfortable life for our staff.


Principles of Management

1 CSV=Creating Shared Value

 We aim to contribute to society by balancing the company's profit through expanding the market and addressing issues such as securing successors by engaging the local fishing industry so as to expand the market.

2 Constructing the value chain

 In order to expand our business, we aim to construct a strong value chain from production to circulation, sales, and new product development based on marketing that is modeled by the fishing products export strategy in Norway.

Company Outline

Company Name    Owasebussan Co,. Ltd.
Location             1-33 Hayashi-machi, Owase, Mie 519-3612, JAPAN
Capital               34 million yen
President            Hiroyuki Ono
Employee          65 regular employees, 69 part-time employees, 26 part-time staff, 27 Chinese trainees and internes
Our banks         Hyakugo Bank, Kihoku Credit Union, Daisan Bank, Chukyo Bank, Marine Bank 
Clients            representative supermarkets in each area, food service chains, Central wholesale markets in each area
Shop              Owase Osakana Ichiba, OTOTO



Hiroyuki Ono

Company History

October, 1972        Owasebussan is established.
August, 1974        Owasebussan Co., Ltd. is established. 
                          The capital stock hits 2 million yen.
August, 1977        The capital is increased to 8 million yen.
March, 1982        The capital is increased to 24 million yen.
March, 1984        Nagoya Business Office is opened.
April, 1986        The capital is increased to 34 million yen.
November, 1986    Suisan Kako Center (Fish processing Center) is completed.
December, 1988    Owase Osakana Ichiba Ltd. is established.
April, 1989        Owase Osakana Ichiba OTOTO is opened.
November, 2001    ISO9002 is acquired (then ISO9001 in 2004).
2005                  Hayashi-machi Factory is opened.
June, 2006        HACCP certification was acquired. 
April, 2007        Fish cultivation is implemented. 
May, 2008        Owase Osakana Ichiba Ltd. is unified into the direct sales “Owase Osakana Ichiba OTOTO”.
July, 2008        SQF2000 is acquired.
October, 2010        Fixed net farming is implemented.
April, 2012        Capital increases to 51 million yen.
August, 2012        SQF2000 certification is migrated to the 7th edition of the Safe Quality Food (SQF) code.
June, 2013        Longline fishing boat “Ryoeimaru” is launched. 
October, 2014        The salt preservation fish factory is completed.
December, 2014    The capital increases to 65 million yen.
April, 2015        Feeding boat “Shueimaru” is launched.
July, 2015        Feed storehouse in Yukunoura is completed.
October, 2015        Filleting factory, picking field, and packing production plant are outfitted.
April. 2016        Feeding boat “Shueimaru II” is launched.
July, 2016        Freezing and refrigeration warehouse is completed. 

Locations of our offices and factories

Head office  
1-33 Hayashi-mach, Owase, Mie 519-3612, JAPAN
TEL +81 (0) 597-22-2323(main number) FAX+81 (0) 597-23-0456(main number)

Nagoya Business Office
4F Takeichi Buil., Kawanami-cho, Atsuta-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 456-0072, JAPAN
TEL +81 (0) 52-671-8601(main number) FAX+81 (0) 52-671-8603

Hayashi-machi Factory
1-33 Hayashi-mach, Owase, Mie 519-3612, JAPAN
TEL +81 (0) 597-23-3080  FAX+81 (0) 597-23-3084

Suisan Kako Center (Marine Processing Center)
1-33 Hayashi-mach, Owase, Mie 519-3612, JAPAN
TEL +81 (0) 597-22-2300(main number) FAX+81 (0) 597-23-1343

Freezers and refrigerators
2-11 Hayashi-mach, Owase, Mie 519-3612, JAPAN
TEL +81 (0) 597-37-4067  FAX+81 (0) 597-37-4068

Osone Factory
107-4 Osoneura, Owase, Mie 519-3623, JAPAN
TEL&FAX  +81 (0) 597-23-3038

Suisan Jigyosho (Marine Business Office for Farming and Marine Management)
202 Aza Toriji-hama, Yukunoura, Owase, Mie 519-3622, JAPAN
TEL +81 (0) 597-23-3085  FAX+81 (0) 597-23-2410

Owase Osakana Ichiba OTOTO
2-10 Kodono-cho, Owase, Mie 519-3612, JAPAN
TEL +81 (0) 597-23-2100  FAX+81 (0) 597-23-2111

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© 2016 by OWASEBUSSAN.Co.,Ltd.

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